How to Plan Your First Look

If you’re hoping to have some great first look photographs taken on your wedding day, it’s worth chatting about ideas with your photographer in advance and creating a plan together.  First looks are such individual moments to each couple and wedding day, and there’s no magic formula to create the best photo-ready first look together.  Here are just a few things to consider when planning the big reveal. 

1.     Is the lighting good for photographs?
If you’ve read any of my other blog posts, you’ll know that good lighting is a key proponent for your photographer to create magical photographs.  If your first look will be indoors, try to choose a bright location with lots of natural light.  If you will be outdoors, try to avoid direct overhead light.  This usually means choosing an area that is shaded by trees, buildings, or overhangs.

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2.     What will your approach be?
Take time to discuss the approach and angles with your photographer before the moment unfolds.  Don’t feel stuck in the more traditional route of the bride tapping the groom’s shoulder if that doesn’t feel like you.  Make it your own, plan a reveal at the same moment, slip in a butt grab if that's more like you, open the door as a surprise….anything goes, just chat with your photographer before to make sure everyone is prepared for the plan.

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3.     Will your moment be private or part of a group?
Think about whether you want to have a moment with just the two of you, or if you feel it’s important for any family or loved ones to be present with you.  It helps to decide this beforehand, as many people will want to be there for your first look if you haven’t already established a plan!

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4.     How will you make it your own?
The originality that each couple brings to their wedding day is why I love this creative job so much.  Don’t be afraid to bring elements of yourselves into your first look, whether that’s emotional, funny, or flirty.  This moment can be anything from a long hug, to a moment to share songs, letters, gifts, or funny surprises.  Again, just let your photographer know what to expect so you can be sure to have the memory beautifully captured in photographs. 

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Overall, don’t worry you can’t screw it up!  The main point is to get to see your loved one, take a deep breath, and relax together before the ceremony.  It’s a great chance to catch some beautiful and memorable photographs, but remember that it’s not about the camera.  It’s about you getting to spend some private time together on your wedding day, the photographs are just a bonus.

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